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Our complete growing guides

Are you a first-time gardener? a lifetime gardener? or somewhere in between? whatever you class yourself as our rich and informative growing guides supplied by the Royal Horticultural Society are some of the best guides in the world of gardening.

Discover the beauty and charm of our extensive collection of garden plants for sale, featuring hedging plants, roses, shrubs, and so much more. Our range is dedicated to providing a diverse selection of high-quality flora, allowing you to create your own idyllic outdoor sanctuary. But we don't stop there; we also offer a comprehensive array of expert guides packed with valuable tips on growing and maintenance, ensuring your plants thrive and multiply. Our how-to to growing guides highlight the best practices for keeping your plants in the best condition possible. If you have purchased a plant from us or have plants in need of help make sure to check out these guides to see if you are missing a trick or two, there is a garden full of information at your disposal.

How to grow alpines

Cultivating alpine plants can be a rewarding endeavor for gardening enthusiasts who appreciate the unique beauty and hardiness of these high-altitude wonders. To create a successful alpine garden, it is essential to consider the specific growing conditions that these plants thrive in, which typically involve well-drained soil, bright sunlight, and cool temperatures. When starting your alpine adventure, choose a diverse and complementary selection of plants that will work together in a balanced ecosystem.

How to grow bulbs

Timing is of the essence when growing bulbs, and it's important to plant bulbs during the appropriate season (spring or fall, depending on the variety) to ensure optimal growth. Ensuring ample drainage and appropriate soil composition for each bulb type allows for nurturing a fertile environment. Moreover, spacing and depth are crucial factors when planting, as overcrowding can hinder growth, while inadequate depth compromises the structural integrity of the plant. Lastly, adequate watering is paramount to a bountiful garden.

How to grow conifers

When beginning your journey to growing conifers, it's essential to first choose the right variety suited to your climate and available space, as conifers come in various shapes, sizes, and foliage colors. Once you've made your selection, the next step is to plant in well-drained soil, preferably during the cooler months, to allow the roots to establish themselves before the warmer seasons arrive. Pay close attention to each conifer's specific sun exposure and water requirements, as this can vary depending on the species.

How to grow houseplants

Begin by selecting suitable indoor plants that are known to thrive indoors, such as pothos, snake plants, or spider plants. Be mindful of the lighting conditions in your home, ensuring your plants are placed near windows to receive adequate sunlight or to provide an alternative in artificial light, should natural light not suffice. Additionally, it's crucial to comprehend the watering requirements of each plant variety, as over- or under-watering can lead to complications.

How to grow trees

It is highly recommended to start with a tree sapling to ensure healthy and native growth, we sell a wide range of trees to start with. When preparing the soil for plantation, digging a hole twice the size of the root ball will provide ample space for roots to expand. Optimal tree growth also hinges upon proper watering and fertilization, so researching the specific needs of the chosen species and adhering to these requirements will ensure a flourishing and robust tree for years to come.

How to grow grasses

It is vital to know when and how much to water your grass, as both under and over-watering can damage it. Cultivating healthy soil is another crucial element of grass gardening. You should enrich the ground with organic materials, such as compost or manure, and ensure proper drainage to promote vigorous growth. Regularly mowing, fertilizing, and aerating your lawn will also contribute to its overall health and longevity.

How to grow roses

Success in cultivating roses can hinge largely on the careful selection of the appropriate variety for one's specific growing conditions, be it climate, soil type, or available space. In addition to this, roses require vigilant attention to watering, feeding, and pruning regimes, while vigilance towards common ailments, such as aphids or blackspot, is essential in preserving the health of these floral treasures.

Chosing plants for sun or shade

It is essential to evaluate the amount of direct sunlight and shade throughout the day in various parts of your property, taking into consideration the changing needs of plant species during different seasons. Once you have determined the prevailing conditions, make thoughtful choices about plant selection, seeking expert advice if needed, and thoroughly researching individual plant characteristics to ensure their suitability for your specific sun and shade conditions.

How to grow perennials

Take the time to carefully prepare the soil by incorporating organic matter, improving drainage, and following appropriate planting depths and spacing for each species. Maintenance practices, such as regular watering, mulching, and yearly fertilization, are crucial for your perennials to flourish. Additionally, make a habit of routine pruning and deadheading to encourage new growth, overall health, and a prolonged blooming period.

How to grow conservatory plants

To ensure the success of your indoor garden, it's vital to consider essential factors such as light, temperature, humidity, and proper plant selection before taking the plunge. By carefully researching and selecting the most suitable plants for your conservatory's unique conditions, you can create a dynamic indoor ecosystem that is both visually striking and easy to maintain.

How to grow bedding plants

Use a high-quality, well-draining seed starting mix in small pots or trays and place them in a warm spot with a consistent temperature. Ensure they receive ample light, either by placing them near a south-facing window or by supplementing with artificial grow lights. Once your seedlings have sprouted, it's important to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, as this can lead to root rot. When the time comes to transplant your young plants outdoors, choose a well-prepared bed with good drainage and enrich the soil with compost or organic matter.

How to grow bedding plants

Preparing the soil with organic compost or well-rotted manure provides essential nutrients needed for optimal growth. Careful consideration of the plant's native environment aids in selecting the appropriate location in the garden, addressing factors such as sunlight, drainage and proximity to other plants. In addition, installing a sturdy support structure allows ample room for the climbers to twine, weave and stretch their tendrils as they reach skyward.

How to grow herbs

To embark on this delightful journey, begin by selecting a diverse range of herbs that suit your culinary preferences and thrive effortlessly in your local climate. Plant them either in raised garden beds, containers, or window boxes, ensuring that they receive adequate sunlight throughout the day. Regular watering is paramount, but be cautious to not over-water, as this can lead to root rot. Good drainage is equally essential, so choose soil that is rich in organic matter and retains moisture without the risk of waterlogging.

How to grow salad leaves

To begin with, select a suitable location and vessel for planting. Adequate sunlight is vital, so find a spot that receives at least five hours of direct sunlight daily. Next, choose a well-draining container that has enough space for the roots to develop. Don't forget to fill it with quality and nutrient-rich soil, as this will maximize your greens' growth potential. When it comes to sowing the seeds, make sure they're well-spaced and covered by a thin layer of soil which maintains moistness without allowing the seeds to dry out.

How to grow salad leaves

Start by carefully selecting the appropriate fruit varieties that are well-suited to your region's climate and available space, taking into account factors such as sunlight, temperature, and soil type. Always ensure that you plant your chosen fruit trees or shrubs in well-draining soil and optimize their growing conditions by maintaining consistent levels of moisture and nutrients. It is equally essential to monitor the plants vigilantly, addressing any potential challenges such as pests or diseases in a prompt, systematic manner.

How to grow herbs

As you plant your seeds or seedlings, ensure adequate spacing to allow for proper air circulation and avoid overcrowding. Remember to stake or support plants, if necessary, to provide additional stability. Throughout the growing season, maintain a consistent watering schedule, keeping the soil moist but not saturated. Lastly, monitor your garden for pests and diseases, applying eco-friendly solutions when needed.

How to grow herbs

Preparing the soil is crucial – loosen the soil to a depth of at least 12 inches and incorporate organic matter such as compost or aged manure to provide essential nutrients. When planting your root vegetables, be mindful of the spacing requirements for each type, as overcrowding can reduce both growth and yield. Regular watering is necessary to maintain consistent moisture levels, but be careful not to overwater or let the soil become waterlogged.

How to grow herbs

It is essential to plant them at the appropriate time, ideally in early spring or late summer, to provide ample time to establish before being exposed to harsh weather conditions. It's equally important to provide them with optimal growing conditions, such as well-draining, nutrient-rich soil, and regular watering to ensure sufficient hydration.

Create a lavish and stylish garden this year with our fantastic range of garden plants! We stock a huge range including tropical, hardy, and seasonal plants for all seasons throughout the year. We focus on quality and affordable crops, we want our customers to enjoy and keep their plants healthy for the years to come.