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Log Cabins Planning Permission

Log Cabins Planning Permission

The information provided here is based on the regulations in the United Kingdom but is not exhaustive and may not be complete or reliable.
It is important to note that planning laws and regulations can change, so it's crucial to verify the current guidelines with your local planning authority and/or check for updates on official government websites.
As most of our buildings are garden buildings, this guide, incomplete as it is, relates to log cabins in the garden.

In the UK, the planning permission rules for garden buildings are often governed by "permitted development rights."
Permitted development allows certain types of development to be carried out without the need for planning permission, provided that specific conditions and limitations are met.
Here are some general guidelines for garden buildings in the UK:

Size Limits

The size of the garden building is typically limited under permitted development.
In England, as of my last update, the general rule is that outbuildings are considered permitted development if they are single-storey with a maximum height of 2.5 metres if located within 2.0m of a boundary fence or if further than that from the boundary a maximum overall height of 4 meters with a dual-pitched roof, or 3 meters for other roof types.


The garden building should not be located forward of the principal elevation of the original house that faces onto a highway.
Additionally, it should not be located within the grounds of a listed building.


The use of the garden building is important. Generally, outbuildings should be used for purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house (e.g., as a garden office, gym, or storage).
Generally separate self-contained, permanent living accommodation will require planning permission and be required to comply with building regulations.

Conservation Areas, National Parks, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and World Heritage Sites

Special rules may apply in these designated areas, so it's essential to check with the local planning authority.

Materials and Appearance:

The materials used for the garden building and its design should be in keeping with the appearance of the existing house.
Timber structures are usually deemed to be acceptable.

Separate Annexes

Planning permission is generally required for separate self-contained living accommodation, even within the curtilage of the main house.

It's important to note that these are general guidelines, and local variations and updates may exist.

Always check with your local planning authority for the most accurate and current information.
If you are uncertain, you may also want to seek advice from a planning consultant or architect.

Please note we cannot confirm if you require planning permission or not, this is just a basic guide for the most common factors around planning permission.
If you are unsure, please contact your local planning authority as it can vary across the UK and for differing purposes.

Log Cabins Planning Permission

The information provided here is based on the regulations in the United Kingdom but is not exhaustive and may not be complete or reliable.  It is important to note that planning laws and regulations can change, so it's crucial to verify the current guidelines with your local planning authority and / or check for updates on official government websites.  As most of our buildings are garden buildings, this guide, incomplete as it is, relates to log cabins in the garden.

In the UK, the planning permission rules for garden buildings are often governed by "permitted development rights." Permitted development allows certain types of development to be carried out without the need for planning permission, provided that specific conditions and limitations are met. Here are some general guidelines for garden buildings in the UK:

Size Limits:
The size of the garden building is typically limited under permitted development. In England, as of my last update, the general rule is that outbuildings are considered permitted development if they are single-storey with a maximum height of 2.5 metres if located within 2.0m of a boundary fence or if further than that from the boundary a maximum overall height of 4 meters with a dual-pitched roof, or 3 meters for other roof types.

The garden building should not be located forward of the principal elevation of the original house that faces onto a highway. Additionally, it should not be located within the grounds of a listed building.

The use of the garden building is important. Generally, outbuildings should be used for purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house (e.g., as a garden office, gym, or storage). Generally separate self-contained, permanent living accommodation will require planning permission and be required to comply with building regulations..

Conservation Areas, National Parks, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and World Heritage Sites:
Special rules may apply in these designated areas, so it's essential to check with the local planning authority.

Materials and Appearance:
The materials used for the garden building and its design should be in keeping with the appearance of the existing house.  Timber structures are usually deemed to be acceptable.

Separate Annexes:
Planning permission is generally required for separate self-contained living accommodation, even within the curtilage of the main house.

It's important to note that these are general guidelines, and local variations and updates may exist.

Always check with your local planning authority for the most accurate and current information. If you are uncertain, you may also want to seek advice from a planning consultant or architect.

*Please note* we cannot confirm if you require planning permission or not, this is just a basic guide for the most common factors  around planning permission. If you are unsure, please contact your local planning authority as it can vary across the UK and for differing purposes.